All the publications are available by request:
3. A.R. Bikmetov, R.R. Gadyl'shin. On spectrum of the Schrodinger operator with a large potential concentrated on a small set // Mathematical Notes. 2006. V. 79. No. 5. P. 729–733.
2. A.R. Bikmetov. Asymptotics of Eigenelements of Boundary Value Problems for the Schrodinger Operator with a Large Potential Localized on a Small Set // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 2006. V. 45. No. 4. P. 667-682.
1. A.R. Bikmetov, D.I. Borisov. On the discrete spectrum of Schrodinger operator with a narrow well // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 2005. V. 145. No. 3. P. 1691-1702.
Selected Conferences
5. All-Russian Conference "Mathematics. Mechanics. Information science", Chelyabinsk, September 18-22, 2006.
4. International Conference "Operator Theory in Quantum Physics", organised in honour of Pavel Exner's 60th birthday, Prague, Czech Republic, September 9-14, 2006.
3. International Conference "Tikhonov and Contemporary Mathematics" dedicated to the Centenary Anniversary of Andrey N. Tikhonov, Moscow, June 19-25, 2006.
2. International Seminar "Day on Difraction-2006", St. Peterburg, May 30 - June 2, 2006.
1. XXV International Conference of young scientist's, MSU, Moscow, 31 March - 5 April 2003.